How to Maintain a Clean Kitchen in Your Vacation Rental Easily

How to Maintain a Clean Kitchen in Your Vacation Rental Easily

According to Memphis Tourism, in 2023 alone, 13.5 million people visited Memphis, TN, and stayed for an average of 3.6 days. They also contributed a whopping $4.2 billion to the city's economy!

As a Memphis vacation rental owner, your goal should be to get as big a slice of those overnight stays as possible. One way to do so is by maintaining a clean kitchen in your rental, considering this room is among any home's most commonly used areas.

In this guide, the experts at PMI Bluff City will share clean kitchen tips to help with your vacation rental property maintenance, so read on.

Create a Vacation Rental Cleaning Checklist

To maximize your time and effort, itemize all kitchen tasks on a vacation rental cleaning checklist. The checklist must include a list of all necessary cleaning supplies and tools and a separate list of the chores.

Cleaning Supply and Tools

Here are some examples of cleaning supplies and tools to include in your list:

  • Rubber gloves, face mask, and goggles for your safety
  • Microfiber towels, sponges, and scrub brushes
  • Spray bottles for clean water and cleaning solutions
  • Disinfectants
  • Trash bags
  • Broom, vacuum cleaner, mop

To further simplify your cleaning tasks, put smaller items in a caddy. A caddy helps you organize your supplies and makes it easier to bring them to other parts of your rental that you need to clean (e.g., the bathroom, living room, and bedrooms).

Critical Kitchen Cleaning Tasks

As for the chores, here are some of the fundamental ones:

  • Organize and put away items that don't belong in the kitchen
  • Clean the range top and vent hood
  • Clean and disinfect countertops
  • Dispose of any perishable items left by guests in cabinets and the fridge
  • Scrub and disinfect the sink
  • Vacuum hard-to-reach areas, such as the spots under the oven and the fridge
  • Sweep and mop

Please ensure you don't skip any of the steps above, especially the last one, as food crumbs and debris can attract pests (e.g., roaches, ants, and rodents) to your rental. As the Tennessee Government points out, you don't want pests because they can cause property damage and transmit or carry diseases. It also states that keeping homes clean is the first step to pest prevention.

Schedule Cleaning Before and After Every Check-in

One of the most crucial guest experience tips is ensuring your vacation rental is always occupant-ready. When guests see a sparkling clean rental, they'll be happy and satisfied with their choice.

So, always clean your property's kitchen before every check-in and after every check-out. Doing so can also help minimize the time you'd otherwise spend deep-cleaning your vacation rental.

Make Maintaining a Clean Kitchen in Your Rental Simpler

By following our strategies above, maintaining a clean kitchen in your rental will be a breeze.

However, if you need extra helping hands with your overall rental property maintenance responsibilities, you'll be happy to know that PMI Bluff City is at your service. We're a full-service property management company specializing in vacation/short-term rental management in Memphis, North Mississippi, and the surrounding areas. Our owner, Darrell W. Harden, has over two decades of experience in vacation rental and business management.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can make your Memphis vacation rental a success!
